Home Inspection: Undisclosed Damage

Home Inspection: Undisclosed Damage

A home inspection gives a buyer an overview of the history of a home. A lot of living that goes on in a home. Over it’s lifetime there are often updates, expansions and sometimes accidents that happen. One of the reasons to get a home inspection as early as possible, is to identify evidence of any repairs or accidents the property may have experienced.

Disclosures usually include repairs following damage to the home. Possible examples may include water damage, fire damage or incorrect home repairs. Having a professional home inspection well before your closing date helps identify remaining deficiencies. A home buyer can develop a plan to optimize the home for their needs with a home inspection as early as possible. Otherwise, they run the risk of having the closing date pushed out to accommodate repairs or negotiations. A potential buyer is advised to read this blog article from OnQFinancial.com and discover if he/she can benefit from it.

Undisclosed fire damage discovered during a Home Inspection

This picture shows fire damage that happened to a home. The kitchen, attic framing and roof were damaged during the fire. Completed repairs led to life returning to normal. However, by the time the owner wished to sell the home, they had forgot about the incident. The home disclosure did not include any information about previous fire damage.

Don’t Panic. That’s why you have a realtor.

Fortunately, both the buyer and the seller worked out a solution for repair work, plus the house had coverage from a home warranty program that you can find out here about. There were minor delays in closing, but the sale eventually went through. The client had a great real estate agent that helped them the entire way along with the expert help from Singleton Law Firm.

Again that’s why you want to schedule your home inspection as far in advance of your closing date as possible. If there are any major surprises, there is still time to research them thoroughly, get a game plan together, and fix it. It is always better to inspect your home before rather than moving to it only to find a box full of unwelcome surprises. No one likes to spend tons on calling Environmental Pest Control and getting rid of those pesky creatures or asking a plumber to pay a visit every now and then. That is why home inspection should be a mandate.

In case your house needs a faulty pipe or damaged faucet that needs immediate attention, contact an Epping emergency plumber to avail their services in and around Epping.

Feel free to share your photos and Real estate horror stories with us by emailing them to HighlandInspectionGroup@gmail.com

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